Started in 1960 with the commitment to keeping the lake crystal clear.

2024 Membership

For the Love of the Lake. Signup below using Paypal, our paper application, or Venmo payments to: @BLCA-Payments.

Become a Member-

Help us continue our commitment…

Individual Membership.

$75 per year gives you access to our individual membership. This is your commitment to keeping Burden Lake Clean. We encourage you to also donate to our Water Quality Fund to help with the treatment of the lake.

Paypal Individual Membership

Download, Print, & Mail Application

Family Membership.

$100 per year gives you access to our family membership. This is your family commitment to keeping Burden Lake Clean. We encourage you to also donate to our Water Quality Fund to help with the treatment of the lake.

Paypal Family Membership

Download, Print, & Mail Application

Water Quality.

$300 per year helps support our Water Quality Fund. We must maintain and treat the lake each year to help with invasive species. It costs us upwards of $20,000+ to maintain the crystal clean lake.

Paypal Water Quality

Download, Print, & Mail Application

Legal Fund.

Donate to our Legal Fund to help support us with larger tasks and issues that we face.

Paypal Legal Fund